Baking a Cake: Overcoming Common Challenges

Too Dense

 A dense cake means not enough air in the batter. Solutions include beating the batter until fluffy, using fresh leaveners, and ensuring proper oven preheating for at least 20 minutes.

Cake Overflows

To prevent overflowing, fill the cake pan halfway to two-thirds full. This allows room for the cake to rise without spilling over during baking.

A Sunken Cake

A sunken cake occurs when the interior is undercooked. Check doneness by inserting a toothpick; if it comes out clean, the cake is cooked. Avoid opening the oven door too often.

Crusty Edges

Crusty edges can result from over-greasing the pan. Use a moderate amount of oil or spray to avoid frying the cake edges.

Cake Batter is Too Stiff

 Stiff batter is due to too much flour or over-mixing. Measure flour accurately and mix gently to avoid developing excess gluten.

Fruit Falling to the Bottom

To prevent fruit from sinking, mix fruits into a thicker batter, chop fruits into smaller pieces, or lightly coat them with flour before adding.

Cake Sides Caving In

Sides caving in can be caused by too much moisture or over-greasing. Ensure the correct liquid content, moderate greasing, and proper cooling to avoid collapsing.

Cake Top Cracked

A cracked top indicates an oven that's too hot. Use a thermometer to monitor the oven temperature, ensuring it is appropriately preheated.