Customers can relax and enjoy their meals in the dining area of a bakery cafe, which is typically a sit-down bakery.
Food Truck Bakery
If you want to serve customers who are constantly on the go, mobile restaurants or bakery food trucks are fantastic alternatives.
Home Bakery
For business owners who don’t have a lot of capital to invest in their startup, baking at home is the ideal solution. All you need to start a home bakery is the right tools, enough room, and the required licenses.
Counter Service Bakery
Except for the dining area, a counter-service bakery is similar to a bakery cafe. Customers can typically walk into a small store and pick up their items.
Specialty Bakery
Only one or a few different types of baked goods are produced by specialized bakeries. Because you can decide whether to produce it for retail or wholesale, they provide flexibility despite concentrating on a single product type.